Masses on the Stages of Democracy. Democratic Promises and Dangers in Selfdramatizations of Masses CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier15. september 2021
Practicing the common good: Philanthropic practices in 20th-century Denmark CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier1. juni 2021
The Politics of Translation in International Relations CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier1. maj 2021
Analysestrategi med Foucault og Laclau: civilsamfundet som styringsteknologi og flydende betegner CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier1. december 2020
Civil Society: Between Concepts and Empirical Grounds CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier30. november 2020
Governmentality and Statification: Towards a Foucauldian Theory of the State CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier12. november 2020
Moralske Eliter og Frivillighedens Anatomi, Carlsbergfondet CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier29. oktober 2020
From Awkwardness to Action Christian Voluntarism in Denmark Beyond the Sector Model of Civil Society CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier12. oktober 2020
Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Beyond Civil Society’: Advancing a Post-sectoral Conception of Civil Society—Moving Beyond Civil Society? CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier26. august 2020
Voluntarism: Promises of Proximity as Articulated by Changing Moral Elites CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier1. januar 2020
Civil Society in the Shadow of the Neoliberal State: Corporations as the Primary Subjects of (Neoliberal) Civil Society CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier15. november 2019
How Transformative Innovation Movements Contribute to Transitions CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier15. oktober 2019
Complicated translations. Philanthropic endeavours of pollution and purification in Denmark 1920-2014 CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier25. juni 2019
Civil Society Organizations: The Site of Legitimizing the Common Good - a Literature Review CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier24. juni 2019
Den Moralske Elite og Velfærden i Carlsbergfondets Årsskrift 2019 CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier11. juni 2019
Rescuing Welfare Society: Political Strategies for Mobilizing Civil Society in Denmark, 2010–2018 CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier23. april 2019
Governmentality, Statification and the State as a Practico-reflexive Prism: Towards a Foucauldian Theory of the State CBS Center for Civilsamfundsstudier19. april 2019