Liv Egholm Feldt
Lektor, Centerleder
Tlf.: +45 3815 3587
Min forskning undersøger hvorledes forandringer og udviklinger i kulturer og identiteter bliver beskrevet, fortolket, institutionaliseret og brugt til at handle og reagerer i både nutidigt som fortidigt perspektiv. Mine empiriske interesser strækker sig fra rejseberetninger og kulturmøder i 1500 tallet over samtidige expatrierede og globale teams i organisationer og institutioner til filantropiske organisationer.
Anker Brink Lund
Professor, Forskningskoordinator
Tlf.: +45 3815 3599
Min forskning handler især om fonde og foreninger i krydsfeltet mellem stat og marked. P.t. deltager jeg i tre internationale forskningsprojekter: Comparative Analyses of Associative Governance in Norden (med Haldor Byrkjeflot og Søren Christensen), Media Ownership in Scandinavia (med forskerkolleger fra Norge og Sverige), og Public Benefit Foundations in Europe (sammen med et forskerkonsortium med deltagere fra Spanien, Skotland, Tyskland og Ungarn). Desuden deltager jeg gerne i den offentlige debat, bl.a. med udgangspunkt i bogen A-Å om civile samfund (skrevet sammen med Gitte Meyer).
Søren Christensen
Tlf.: +45 5015 1558
Rooted in an interdisciplinary framework, my PhD investigates novel ways to democratize local engagement in sustainability: how urban community gardens, as ‘complex ecologies of place’ and ‘green fields of care,’ foster ‘social integration’ alongside embedded shades of exclusion, provide participatory opportunities for citizens amidst gentrifying urban restructuring, and are framed and governed by municipal actors.
In my postdoc, Shaping Socially Sustainable Cities: Exploring Housing Organizational Infrastructures, I explore how social housing organizations, municipalities, and civil society collaborate to create socially sustainable cities. By focusing on ‘associative infrastructures,’ the research investigates the interaction between citizen-driven grassroots organizing, resident democracy, and municipal governance in four Danish municipalities.
Haldor Byrkjeflot
Haldor Byrkjeflot is Professor at Department of Sociology and Human Geography at University of Oslo and since 2016 has been the Academic Director of ‘UiO Nordic’, one of three strategic priority areas at University of Oslo (UiO) and since 2018 chair of the board or ReNEW, a Nordic university hub. He has a Phd in Administration and Organization Theory from University of Bergen and has been graduate student at department of Sociology at University of Berkeley as well as visiting scholar at OECD, Paris SCANCOR, University of Stanford, Max Planck Institute for the study of societies, Cologne, EHESS, Paris, Center for historical-comparative studies of societies at Freie Universität, Berlin and department of organization at CBS, Copenhagen.
Mathias Hein Jessen
Tlf.: +45 3815 3573
Mathias Hein Jessen is an associative professor at the Department of Business and Politics, CBS, and part of the CISTAS-project. He holds a B.Sc. in Business Administration and Philosophy from CBS and an MA and PhD in The History of Ideas from Aarhus University. He has worked extensively on the history of political and economic thought as well as contemporary sociology and political theory and philosophy. He works in the cross-field between philosophy, politics, economics, law, sociology and history (of ideas). He is interested in the interrelation between state, market and civil society. His current work concentrates on how the distinction and demarcation between state, market and civil society is constantly produced and constructed and how this entails a construction of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ civil society.
Lars Bo Kaspersen
Tlf.: +45 3815 3542
Lars Bo Kaspersen, (b. 1961), BA (Copenhagen), MA (Copenhagen), MA (Sussex), PhD (Aarhus), Professor, Head of the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen. Has published widely on social theory and political sociology. Author of among other publications 'Anthony Giddens - an introduction to a Social Theorist', and ‘Denmark in the world’. Kaspersen’s research areas are state formation processes in Europe, the transformation of the welfare state, sociology of war, civil society (including the idea of associative democracy), social theory, in particular relational theory. Together with Norman Gabriel he is working on a book about Norbert Elias’s political sociology. Kaspersen teaches history, politics, and sociology.
Christiane Mossin
Christiane Mossin is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen. She has a master’s degree in philosophy from the University of Copenhagen and a phD from Copenhagen Business School, the latter obtained on the basis of an interdisciplinary dissertation conducted in the intersection between law, political philosophy and philosophy of law. Her work owns to continental philosophical traditions and is oriented towards contemporary social, political and legal issues. Her present research concerns the relationship between democracy and civil society and focuses on a Danish historical and contemporary context.
Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen
Tlf.: +45
Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen is a post doc at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS, and a part of the research project Comparative Analyses of Associative Governance in Norden headed by Anker Brink Lund. He holds an MA and PhD in Political Science from University of Copenhagen, and has worked extensively on political theory, democracy, history of political thought, and the 20th century European labour movement. Benjamin is now researching the historical development of labour market associations in the Nordic countries from the 19th century til today. His research has been published in Political Theory, Polity, Contemporary Political Theory and Critical Horizons, and his book Visions of Council Democracy: Castoriadis, Lefort, Arendt is forthcoming at Edinburgh University Press.
Anders Sevelsted
Tlf.: +45 3815 3998
As a historical and political sociologist, I study processes of governance and leadership in the field of tension between top-down and bottom-up, between elite and popular governance, experts and civic engagement. Within this dynamic, I have a strong interest in how patterns of inequality, diversity, and difference emerge and are sustained, as well as how forms of alternative and affirmative organizing are undertaken to address, circumvent, or resist such patterns. I study civil society elites, moral elites, intermediary elites, and movement elites. I am engaged in questions related to the role of religion and science in governing modes of behavior under modern conditions, and I study the historical regulation of moral conduct as well as social and economic policy. I apply genealogical as well as contemporary approaches spanning interpretive and statistical methods, including affirmative genealogy, conceptual history, and Social Network Analysis. Pedagogically, I am interested in developing teaching methodologies rooted in American Pragmatism.
øvrige Affilierede forskere
Sidsel Eriksen, Lektor, Københavns Universitet
Maria Figueroa, Adjunkt, CBS Department of Management, Society & Communication
Marta Rey Garcia, Professor, Universida A la Coruna
Kirsten Grønbjerg, Professor, Indiana University
Gurli Jakobsen, Senior Reseracher
Konstantin Kehl, Professor, Zürich University of Applied Sciences
Lita Sander Lundquist, Professor Emeritus
Leif Lønsmann, Affilieret seniorforsker
Gitte Meyer, Affilieret seniorforsker
Halvard Moe, Professor, University of Bergen
Hannu Nirminen, Professor & Dekan, University of Helsinki
Christian Nissen, Private Public Service Researcher
Jonas Ohlsson, Professor, University of Gothenburg
Johan Roppen, Professor, University College of Volda
Volker Then, Research director, Center for Social Investment, University of Heidelberg
Per Øhrgaard, Professor Emeritus
Uffe Østergaard, Professor Emeritus