
Cistas Publikationer

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How Transformative Innovation Movements Contribute to Transitions

Avelino, F., Monticelli, L., & Wittmayer, J. M. (2019). How Transformative Innovation Movements Contribute to Transitions. In J. Howaldt, C. Kaletka, A. Schröder, & M. Zirngiebl (Eds.), Atlas of Social Innovation: A World of New Practices (Vol. 2, pp. 70-74). Oekom Verlag.

Transformative innovation movements create new ways of doing, thinking and organizing with transformative ambitions. They challenge existing systems through (1) prefiguration, (2) socio-material innovation across domains, (3) translocal empowerment, (4) a diverse repertoire of actions and (5) strategic collaboration across movements.

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